Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Our day with the little wigglers

"I'm Harry Potter, and this is Ron."
"There's a spider in this rock"
"Let's go watch a movie and get the dragon. He breathes fire."
      ^These are only some of the hilarious quotes that came out from our visit to a Trinidad preschool.

We were welcomed with open arms!

Some of us spend the day at the UWIFDCRC (University of West Indies - Family Development and Children's Research Centre). We had an absolutely fantastic time observing and interacting with who we call the little wigglers (also known as preschoolers).

 Here is a video of some of the older preschooler's doing some dancing.

Kate kickin' it with the kids during free outside playtime. 

Some students took the time to collaborate and paint us a picture.  Mary Kish (also know as  Mother Mary) assured us she would hang it in her office.
We were very fortunate for this opportunity and we look forward to returning in the future! A big thanks to the staff of UWIFDCRC for hosting us.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Sunny day at the beach with a splash of color

Merakus Bay Trinidad - Great sunny day with warm water!
We braved the massive waves for some fun

Hannah holding the famous Richard's Bake and Shark - delicious! Kate said she could eat it everyday.

The East Indian annual celebration of Phagwa, or the celebration of color and life where the participants paint each other, including their babies with brilliant colors. They were particularly enthusiastic when the CFS students arrived willing to be painted. 
From left to right: Tamera Hopkins, Janine Savige, Shanli LaTulip, and Gabrielle Gafofalo had a great time

Off to play with the little one's tomorrow! 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Our visit to the University of West Indies

Featuring a discussion regarding health care workers and their attitudes and understanding of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Trinidad

UWI campus

Toes in the sand!
CFS having fun at Las Cuevas Beach